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Prospective Pre-health/Health Professions Students

Healthcare professions in the U.S. require a postgraduate degree. First you must receive a bachelor's degree then apply to healthcare professional schools for your advanced degree. 

Each healthcare profession has it's own set of required courses and experiencies that are required for admissions. See all disciplines

Advising Services

When you are a UNC student we can help you on your path to a medical career with services including: 

  • Individual advising
  • Information brochures 
  • Workshops and meetings for your personal essay
  • Workshops and practice interviews
  • Workshops and assistance with applications
  • Clinical internship opportunities
  • Pre-health Professionals Club

Contact Information

NHS Advising Center



Ross Hall, Room 1210

Before UNC

If you're in high school considering a career in healthcare, there are things you can do to prepare for college and professional school. 



Volunteer in a healthcare setting

Gain clinical experience to determine your suitability for the field and develop interpersonal skills necessary in the profession: 


Take challenging coursework

Healthcare fields require science courses. College courses are advanced so time management, note taking skills and study techniques are important for your success.

  • Take advanced placement courses
  • Develop study skills

AP, IB and Co-curricular Courses 

Many high schools offer AP, IB or co-curricular courses. These courses are a great way to challenge yourself and learn new material but many professional schools will not accept them as prerequisites.  However, if the co-curricular course appears on a college transcript, it is likely a professional school will accept it. 

15 core competencies from the AAMC


Competency is the habitual use of certain skills and knowledge to benefit the community. The Association of American Medical Colleges created 15 core competencies required for entering medical students. 

These competencies were developed for student pursing medical school but are suited for all healthcare careers.

  • Interpersonal

    • Service orientation 
    • Social skills 
    • Cultural competence 
    • Teamwork
    • Oral communication
  • Intrapersonal

    • Ethical responsibility to self
    • Reliability and dependability
    • Resiliency and adaptability 
    • Capacity for improvement
  • Thinking and reasoning

    • Critical thinking
    • Quantitative reasoning
    • Scientific inquiry
    • Written communication
  • Science

    • Living systems 
    • Human behavior